Your return!

Hello Everyone:

Today is December 29th.  Two weeks from tonight, we will return to begin a new year, and a new concert season.  March 6th is the date for IN A SACRED PLACE, or something like that.  I forgot the title.  We will basically be doing the Dan Forrest concert music and a couple pieces we’ve done before.  May 22nd is the date for the RIV.

Rick Lesniak and his unbelievable crew will be putting folders together for us.  His email is  He needs to know :

  1.  Are you returning from a LOA.
  2. Will you return but only for RIV.
  3. You will not be returning.

Please help him out by letting him know.  If you sang Christmas and will be returning for March, we will ASSUME you will be returning so no need to let us know.

I’ve decided NOT to have auditions.  Like Dan Berger, if you have someone who wants to audition, please contact me personally at

Happy New Year.  Somehow 2021 was awful and then at the end wondrous.  SINGING yes!!!!  AN AUDIENCE yes!!!  REHEARSING yes!!!

Hopefully I’ll see you all on the 12th.