Some BCAS info

Hello Everyone:

It was a wonderful rehearsal on Wednesday night.  Sorry about the crackling mic.
Remember next week:

  1. We are at St. Francis of Assisi, Broad Street,  Tonawanda.
  2. Rehearsals now and moving forward will go until 9:00 PM. The Dress Rehearsal at the Cathedral on December will go until 9:30.
  3. Ladies can start bringing in black tops (outfit) for our concert dress committee to oversee.
  4. Tickets will be handed out, 4 to each singer starting this coming Wednesday, November 3rd. Remember prospective all audience members will need to be vaccinated and will wear a mask.  Stay tuned regarding our stance regarding children under 12 who are not vaccinated.

And thanks to Linda Lang, you can get a rehearsal tape of our pieces.  Thanks Linda.

…..Which you can use while logging into the website to see my scores and markings under Files You May Need, thanks to Rick Lesniak.  He has them up and running.  Thanks Rick.

Have a candy riddled Halloween.  Be safe and healthy,