So Let’s Begin Again!

Hello Everyone:

There’s something about the last day of winter that brings thoughts of renewal to our spirits, our psyches, our very lives themselves. Two years, TWO YEARS, a long two Covid years even with a short refreshing last September to December where we reactivated our passion and love of singing and each other.  Thank God we had that Christmas concert.  And now more than three months later, we begin again.

We gather next Wednesday at St. Christopher’s Church, for the first few weeks, 7:00 – 8:30.  There will be a lengthening as we get closer to the concert. I hope you read Gail’s Blog last week where she shared important information regarding masks.  Masks will be optional.  You decide what you want to do.  But there will be EVERY effort made to space all singers 2-3 feet apart.  I will reiterate what Gail said.  Please do not move cards.  They will be spaced as close to 2-3 feet apart as possible. The pew configuration of St. Christopher’s is a bit wonky.  Putting sections together will be almost impossible.  Sit where your card is.  I will make adjustments as the rehearsal goes on.

Yes, I plan to be there, a couple days more than 3 weeks from my knee replacement surgery.  This surgery, what I hope will be my very last one, has been a real adventure.  At first, it was especially difficult, but this last week, there has been progress.  I’ll be on a cane for awhile, learning how to walk again, slowly and steadily moving toward the best mobility I’ve had in months and months.  The knee that was just replaced was crooked which affected all things about walking.  My surgeon said it was a doosey.  Thank God that is now behind me.  I’m working on stamina.  Please stay with me while we both get ‘back in the saddle’.

The concert we’re moving toward will be held on Sunday, June 5th.  The music is mostly made up of selections we were working on for our collaboration with Dan Forrest in April of 2020.  Seems like such a long time ago, doesn’t it.

I am a realist.  Many of you have found other outlets for your lives, especially on Wednesday nights.  If you can’t do this concert, I ask you to make every effort to recommit to BCAS for the 2022-23 season as we reestablish ourselves as one of WNY’s top choruses.  And i pledge to you, I will make every effort to make this next season very exciting, at least as exciting as our finances which have taken a two year hit can absorb.

So let’s begin AGAIN.  Even if you have not let us know if you’re returning, especially if you sat out the Christmas performance, and/or you thought you would not be able to sing until next fall, come anyway.  I am asking Rick to bring extra packets for your return to us.

On another personal note:  I cannot thank you enough for your emails, messages, cards, calls and prayers during these last few weeks.  You are all so lovely and kind.

Please keep Rick Darisse in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes some tricky heart surgery this coming Wednesday.

And now, It’s time to SING. See you Wednesday, 7:00, St. Christopher’s

Much LOVE,