Sing, Sing, Sing!

Sunday, October 25th, 2020

Hello Everyone:

Ugly win!, but we’ll take it.  We’re into real fall now, and I hope you’re settling into October/November weather ups and downs as best you can.

Many of you have sent me pieces you’d like to sing during our Zoom singing sessions. Thanks.

I have begun to learn how we can produce this sort of singing activity so that synchronization will be a minimal issue.  I’ve been ‘tutored’ recently by Rick Lesniak as to how that process might go. It looks very doable.


  1. As we engage in this activity, I’ll be conducting. Singers will be hearing only themselves sing with the sound track with their microphones muted.  This is NOT a highly produced ‘Virtual Choir’ situation but rather an opportunity to sing again with BCAS.
  2. Scores for each session will be posted in the Member Section of our BCAS Website. They will be found under Files You May Need.
  3. Copy them and have them for your use as you sing. Remember that these scores are for our use only. Due to copyright laws they are just for us. Please be attentive to that.
  4. The plan for week #1 (see below for date) includes singing through an individual piece; getting feedback; going on the second one; more feedback; wrap up.
  5. The entire Zoom call will be about 1 hour.
  6. Please be aware that this is a work in progress and participant feedback will help us refine subsequent sessions.



There will NOT be a Zoom call this Wednesday, October 28th.  There WILL be one on THURSDAY, November 5th so that Rick can be with me to oversee the Tech stuff.  So mark your calendars, 7:00 Pm, THURSDAY, November 5th for our first session.  I’ll be sending you the titles of pieces that will be on the website before each session allowing you time to copy and perhaps even look over and rehearse. (Using them for any other activity is prohibited by copyright.)  I’ll send the Zoom invite (meeting # and log in) in the next few days.

Happy Halloween, and back to Standard Time.

Looking forward to singing with you again on NOVEMBER 5th, 7:00PM.