Repertoire and Literature for the new season

Hello Everyone:

So…………….I’m knee deep in thinking about and selecting music for the upcoming season.  We have a patriotic concert in October, Christmas concerts, a classical choral concert in April, and a Broadway concert in June.

As you know, we cannot afford singing any concert with entirely new pieces.  Would you be kind enough to send me your favorite ones that we have programmed in the past and are from our library?  A title is fine.  I want to do titles that you love as well as ones that are audience favorites.  I usually strive for a balance of 60% from the library-40% which is new.  Your help would be so wonderful.  SEND THESE FAVORITES TO ME BY JULY 11TH.

Also, if you have pieces you want me to hear, please send me a link and I’d love to listen.  Several of you do this and I LOVE to listen and learn what really ‘gets’ your musicality flowing.  Again, in a week or two would be great:  Patriotic, Christmas, Classical choral, Broadway.

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