Mondays with Marcia

Hello Everyone:

Believe it or not, Wednesday night is our dress rehearsal at St. Francis of Assisi Church on Broad Street in Tonawanda.  We will begin at 7:00 PM.  Because this is our first concert since June, and only one before that, I will be taking particular care in placing you on our risers.  St. Francis has a couple issues with placement of risers, not to mention our chairs for sitters.  The music for this concert will fit 1 hour, 15 minutes, with starts, stops, etc.  Given that, I expect we will go probably until 9:30, if not a few minutes more to nail down our entrance and exits onto risers, not to mention such things as where should we park, drop off our goodies for a lovely reception, tickets, where we will meet, concert dress, NO PERFUMES, OR SCENTED SPRAYS, and those types of things.

In brief, plan to be engaged in concert dress rehearsal (you do NOT need to where your outfit on Wednesday night  – there is always some confusion about that) from 7:00 on, either in warmups, placement, singing, processing etc.

Wow, where did these 7 weeks go?

I’m still happily celebrating the great Bills win.  Thank God I talked them out of playing this week.

See you Wednesday.  Where very comfortable shoes, and if they are black you may want to wear them Sunday.