MIDDLE SCHOOL Wednesday, February 28th

Hello Everyone:

We rehearse at the MIDDLE SCHOOL tomorrow night.

Beth Anne reminded you of all things – great job Beth Anne.

Do pay particular attention to the Rick’s need for CREW.  They are the pumping heart of these concert logistics, the music being the soul.

We will rehearse in concert order, with a few touch ups that I will announce tomorrow night.  Bring ALL your music in case we want to sing some Broadway.

If you want tickets to the 3rd Annual St. Joseph Dinner at St. John Vianney Church, for Sunday, March 18th, at 5:00 PM, please bring me your $$ tomorrow night.  I will have tickets with me.  Could you let me know if you want any so I have enough with me please?  They are $25 and $15 for children 12 and under. mgiambrone2@verizon.net.

See you all ready to make some fabulous music.

