Merry Tuesday After……

Hello Everyone:

I am still feeling so wonderful after our terrific concert on Sunday.  Ear worms galore! I hope you also were positively impacted by what we accomplished in such a very short time.  From the processional to the feeling of the recessional, it was sheer joy!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Christmas came to me in big bundles. We made it happen after 2 long, hard, difficult years.

Sunday saw 71 BCAS singers performing at St. Joseph’s Cathedral.  For the 46 singers who chose to take a LOA during these last few months, I truly understand.  But you would be very wrong if you think that you weren’t missed. YOU WERE AND WILL BE UNTIL YOU FIIND A WAY BACK TO US.  PERIOD.  The Board successfully moved to keep us all safe during rehearsals and a concert.  If COVID was an issue, it came from another place and impacted families and individual singers from participating in those Fall rehearsals.  If people had individual or family illness, or it a person was exposed he or she simply stayed home. And yes the masks are a PITA.  But from my nephew Jim, “Even with the masks, I understood every word”.  Yea consonants and vowels.!

To our entire BCAS Family, January is just around the corner.  As you can well imagine we want ALL SINGERS to come back and to feel safe.  The Board and I will be in personal contact with you, especially the 46 LOA, to see what your plans are for January to May of 2022.  And again as you can understand, we need to know for administrative AND music reasons.

In fact if you have already made a decision regarding coming back on January 12th, could you please let me know and I will send that information to the appropriate people.  And the reverse is true.  If you still cannot see your way back to us, please let me know that as well.

I wish you a truly fabulous Christmas season, a fun new year …..bye bye 2021…… and start thinking of our March and RIV concerts in 2022 (March 6th, and May 22nd).

God Bless you all, and each and every member of your Friends and Family!
