Last night and tomorrow night

Good Morning Everyone:

There were so many wonderful and musical moments last night.  Thanks to all of you for your cooperation, your presence, your volunteerism.  Your help in so many ways is noticed and appreciated.  As you could see, we have quite a ‘big’ set up for which we are all responsible.  Our membership is incomparable when it comes to EVERYTHING it takes to ‘put on a show’. What a great team!!

Some nitty-gritty!  Overall you sang beautifully.  We can NEVER forget that what comes out of your mouth is heard by the audience.  Is it beautiful? Is it musical? Is it vocally what your want.  Over-singing, forgetting proper vowel shapes (the Buffalo accent) are all concerns when the adrenaline starts flowing.  Just please keep that in mind.  I’m particularly thinking of the men in ‘Hosanna’.  It most assuredly can be loud, but I’d ask you to employ good vocal technique to avoid any harsh, edgy sounds.  It’s thrilling!!!

Tenors, did some of you have a brain fart during the AGNUS DEI?  Some very wrong pitches came through.  There were some who simply did not READ the correct notes and ‘thought’ they knew it.  If you were one of those guys, please go over that part.  If you were near someone who just goofed, please share with them the correct melodic pitches with a very gentle reminder.  As you all know tenors, some of those beautiful melodies sound awfully alike, but are not.  And Faure puts you all by yourselves.  Just take some time to check that you have it all taken care of.  It also can happen in the Kyrie as well, but I didn’t hear anything egregious there.  I will NOT dwell on it.  Its for you to fix.

Soloists:  Carl, Marielle, Jeff, David, Hope, Paul – you were so fine.  The audience will enjoy you so much. I was bursting with pride. Bravi to all of you.

We may have 2-5 inches of snow on Friday night.  We have been very lucky with weather.  We are BUFFALO! We can handle this kind of nuisance.  If you are uncomfortable driving to the Cathedral, perhaps you could find someone who could drive you.  They can stay for the rehearsal of course.


I’m going to enjoy today.  I slept very well last night. See you tomorrow night for some musical screw tightening of intonation, phrasing, for both chorus and orchestra.

Love you,