It’s almost August!

Hello Everyone:

First and foremost, how can I ever thank so many of you for singing at my Mom’s Memorial Celebration Mass last Saturday.  I cant!  There are NO words of gratitude sufficient enough.  Everyone agreed that the MUSIC was the star of the show, second only to my Mom’s personality displayed so lovingly by family and friends.  Those of you who have gone through this sort of thing,  know exactly what my last two months have been like.  For those who have not experienced the loss of a parent, cherish every moment you have with them, even when you want to ‘disagree’ with their ideas of how you should run your life.  I can remember many times when I just did not think my Mom or Dad ‘got it’.  I’d give anything now to have those conversations with them again.

And now to BCAS news etc.  Hopefully in the next week, you will be sent an up to date rehearsal schedule and a concert schedule that has been tweaked just a bit.  I ask Kevin to do that.  The Board and I have been working toward renewing and updating our commitment to singing and performing in the WNY area.  In order to do that in an optimum manner, we need singers.  As other groups experience, we, too, need to go after those singers who can add such wonderful vocal stability to our group.  We have such a great group of folks singing in BCAS.  We represent a ‘multi-generational’ community chorus, one of 1000s in the USA who come to this time of year and re-commit to the passion that got them started in the first place.  Not all are as successful as BCAS.  I am very proud to be your conductor.  I want each of you to feel the same way as a singer.  The summer is a great way to refresh, recommit, renew.  A couple more weeks and I’ll be chomping at the bit.  Certainly for myself and those who were able to sing last Saturday, the whistle was whet!!!!!

Auditions are on Wednesday, August 9th and Tuesday, August 22 at Ebenezer United Church of Christ.  Please share this info with all your interested friends. Get them to the web-page so they can fill out an audition form.

In the next few weeks I’ll be sharing our concert season’s literature with you.  I’m very exciting as I’m working through this season.  I know you will be too.  The more the merrier.  I want to be able to select literature without the worry of balance.  That’s code for TENORS!!!!!

Thanks all and I’ll be talking with you more soon.  BTW: If there are those who, for one reason or another, cannot be with us in the fall, please let me know at ASAP.

Bless you all.
