Happy Easter!

Hello Everyone:  I send you wishes for a truly Blessed Day.

If you’re reading this today, Easter Sunday at 3 PM, you’ve come back from Services, enjoyed a brunch, you’re with loved ones, and are having, or are going to have a superlative holiday dinner.  Some may even be at the movies today, a great day to get a good seat and fresh popcorn. Last night I participated in an Easter Vigil Mass and Celebration at St. John Vianney Church.  We started with a bon-fire, then a procession with candles, readings, a glorious Gloria with bells and lights returning, and following Mass, a lovely reception with good eats.  I am always reminded, and it seems to make more and more of a difference in my life, that this holiday is the holiest in the Christian Faith, and gets such short shrift.


Allow me to combine a little business with this email.   Kevin sent an email to me just yesterday, that a request was made by a member or members for me to consider cancelling a full rehearsal on either of the two days we have assigned for auditions.  Here are my thoughts:

  1.  I’m not sure how many singers actually feel this way, but I do know that past history tells me that you want to sing on Wednesday nights.
  2.  I’m also not sure how many of you will be auditioning for any type of solo…..what that total will be.  I haven’t sent out an email regarding signing up yet.  That notice will be sent out this week.  The thought of justifying a full rehearsal devoted to just solo auditions needs more data before I make any decision regarding schedule. I mentioned that I thought we were doing very well, but I simply cannot answer ‘how well’ just yet.  In my mind, we’re just getting familiar with some of these more unknown songs, and I won’t be able to musically measure our comfortablility with all those songs, and words until we work more.  And wouldn’t it be a great goal to know something well enough to look up occasionionally and smile to that wonderful audience.  This music kind of makes that a necessity.
  3.  We have this Wednesday off.
  4.  Again, I strongly urge you to come to me for musical concerns.  I’d be more than happy to speak with you, consider any and all ideas, and come to a decision with you that will benefit each of us.
  5. Long ago, BCAS embraced the Robert Shaw simple idea that ‘the music comes first’.  I try to make all musical decisions with what is best for this chorus and ALL of us.

Enjoy your time off, on vacation, or simply with family and friends.

I’ll miss you on Wednesday,
