Concert Order for Today

Hello Everyone:

Some members still do not have the concert order.  It follows below.  The ‘dress’ rehearsal with John Murphy starts promptly at 1:45 PM at SJV Church.  Please remember to park down by the school and gymnasium.  The weather is wet today.  Plan accordingly.  Please, however, try to limit ‘all personal items’ to the bear minimum when entering the church.  There is hardly any room for us behind the altar, so space is at a premium.  Small umbrellas that can be closed up and put beneath a chair would be most helpful, and please NO valuables.

There is always some concern that one or two do not READ messages from us.  CONCERT DRESS:  Women:  Black SLACKS, etc.  MEN:  BLACK shirt with patriotic tie.  If any guy has an extra, please bring it along – you know – there’s always a need.

I am juiced up and amped for today.  It should be a wonderful tribute to all who have and are keeping us safe – our military and armed forces.  We expect a pretty ample audience.  So lets sing for them!!!


Star Spangled Banner; America, the Beautiful; Homeland; A Choral Quilt; Seeds Grow To Plants; He’s Gone Away; Bring Him Home; God Bless America; Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor; Cohan Medley; The Battle Hymn.