A special favor

Hello Everyone:

If you remember, during one rehearsal over the last year, I told you about our friend Helen Jean Stelmack, and the cancer fight she was in. She and her husband Tom are huge donors to BCAS. Many of you met them at the Wednesday night Manor House event after the June 11th concert. She had a fabulous time, and she also came to the concert. She was so happy to do that. Nothing would hold her back from that. It turns out that the following day, June 14th, she took a severe turn for the worse in her cancer fight. Hospice is now involved in her home care. They are surmising that Helen Jean will have a week to 2 weeks of life remaining.

Why am I telling you this? She asked Nancy and me to help her write her funeral mass specifics. She had heard a performance of COME TO ME and immediately wanted to have this sung at her funeral. She then asked if some of our singers could sing for her Mass. I assured her I would do everything I could to have that happen.

If any of you would be amenable and available (no date yet) for HJ’s funeral Mass, would you be kind enough to email me at mgiambrone2@verizon.net to let me know.  I will send particulars when they are known. Please keep the Stelmack family in your thoughts and prayers.

Music soothes the sad soul.