After October 13th rehearsal

Hello Everyone:

A lovely rehearsal tonight.  Thanks for those who came.

Thanks Connie Allison for the cookies .  These were my dinner.  Thanks again.  Wonderful.

We’re going to be really zeroing in on Christmas Music for our concert on Sunday, December 5th at the Cathedral in Buffalo, at 3:00 PM.  A Friends and Family Concert will be performed by BCAS for all our Friends and Family – a free will offering, suggested $15.00 – $20.00 per person suggested.

Singers are doing well.  We’re recording rehearsals for Zoom replay.

Remember if you are not feeling well, or if you’ve been in contact with a COVID Positive person, we ask you to remain home.  Let me know ASAP at mgiambrone2@verizon,net.

Our November 3rd rehearsal will be held at St. Francis of Assisi Church, City of Tonawanda.  Bishop Michael Fisher will be at St . Christopher’s foConfirmation.

All rehearsals will be at St Christopher’s on Wednesday night until November 30th where we will have a DRESS Rehearsal at the Cathedral in downtown Buffalo for a Sunday, December 5th concert at 3:00 PM  (Bills play on Monday night, December 6th. The only change will be TUESDAY, November 23rd, before Thanksgiving.

A schedule will follow soon.

Have a great week.  Remember to contact me for all absences.

Be safe, healthy and committed to singing once again.