2022-2023 Schedule and COVID requirements for upcoming rehearsal/concert year

Hello everyone:

I just was informed just  a bit ago that we will be returning to Sweet Home High School in the Choral room for our rehearsals beginning Wednesday evening,  September 7th 2022. Because the HS is  renovating the entire auditorium we may be going between the MS orchestra room where we’ve been before and the HS, also where we’ve made our home before COVID. I am Thrilled.  Here is the year’s schedule. Assume we’re at the HS unless we tell you otherwise.

All rehearsals take place between 7::00 to 9:00 unless we need to tack on the extra 1/2 hour to get concerts ready for performance excellence..  NOTE:  The first semester has many fewer rehearsals than 2nd semester, so I count on each member to prepare music accordingly.

BCAS Covid policy  as we begin 2022:

If Erie County is RED we will pause.  If Erie County is medium, we will require masks,  If Erie County is below medium NO masks will be required.  

2022-2023 Schedule:

September:, 7, 14, 21, 28

October: 5, 12, 19 Dress Rehearsal at St. Francis Assisi, then  23, Sunday, St. Francis 3:00 CONCERT. -, then,  October 26th, regular rehearsal

November: 2 ,9.16 ,22 (Tues. Night before the night before Thanksgiving),  then  30 (Dress) St. Amelia’s (7-10)

Decembef:  2  CONCERT  Friday night at St. Amelia’s; 4 Sunday, CONCERT at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Buffalo NY, (chorus reports at 1:15 for dress rehearsal. CONCERT AT 3:00 PM.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year………………………..

January 4, 11, 18m 25

February: 1, 8, 15 21 Shove Tuesday)

March  1, 8 (Dress) St. Peter and Paul Hamburg, 12 – Sunday, CONCERT, then March 22, 29

April 5 (NO REHEARSAL) 12, 19, 26

May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

June 7 Dress, – Riviera Theatre.  11, (CONCERT) 3 PM

If you have any questions please email me at mgiambrone2@verizon.net and I will try to the best of my ability to answer your inquiries.

Please check your emails each day because we are revving up to our start.
