Mondays with Marcia on Saturday 9/10/22

How ‘Bout them Bills!  Hello Everyone:

I just sent out the rehearsal time plan for next Wednesday’s  which will be Zoomed should any of you not be able to attend and you’re home recuperating or taking care of a sick family member, or, or …….  WE ARE AT THE MIDDLE SCHOOL 4150 Maple Road, Amherst NY, 14226

Please Read Carefully and plan your week accordingly:

  1. God Bless Rick Lesniak.  He scanned every page of my scores and they are all there, on the website.  I would ask that at a minimum you mark at least those scores that will be rehearsed next Wednesday.  By September 21st ALL OCTOBER MUSIC should be marked
  2. I’m trying something different this year.  Many of you already know when you’ll be absent for some life event on a Wednesday night throughout the year.  I will have an up to date group of sheets at the tables each week when you enter where you can indicate as your rehearsal attendance issues.  Please correct, add or take away those dates that are affected by these instances.  Just to remind you…I’m not being loosey, goosey here.  I expect all singers at all rehearsals.  But it would be unrealistic to think life doesn’t interrupt our best intentions.
  3. The Rehearsal Time Plan for Wednesday Night was sent out earlier today on a Blog and on Facebook.  PLEASE PUT YOUR MUSIC IN ORDER so we waste as little time as possible.  Thanks.
  4. As was mentioned last week, Sweet Home, our host rehearsal site is very security conscious.  It is our duty to honor that 100%. When we’re at the HS, you must park in the front large parking area of the school nearest the flagpole.  Rehearsals begin promptly at 7:00.  My calculations say that once you park it will take a minimum of an additional 10 minutes to do your stuff before rehearsal.  And we all want to socialize.  I don’t mean to be a hard-*^#, but every rehearsal second is vital to our successl.  Come early and see your friends.  We are a FAMILY and we enjoy each other.  ****If you are going to be later than 7:15, Sweet Home will lock that door.  You will be asked to call Gail Leary’s Cell Phone (716-435-0176).  She will  then let you in at the back door of the HS near the tennis courts where there may be some parking.  I believe it is Entrance 15.  Please, plan your time accordingly.  The same holds for the MIDDLE SCHOOL, but you will still come in the entrance toward the back, just past the auditorium. Please don’t call me.  My phone will be OFF!
  5. If you’re able, please work on your music this week. Sometimes just 30 minutes a day helps immensely.  You can plunk out notes, speak rhythms (When Johnny Comes Marching In), listen to YouTube versions, sing with them, download Doug’s MP3’s, etc.
  6. Counting this coming Wednesday we have 5 rehearsals until our Dress Rehearsal.

Enjoy the best of September weather.  See you Wednesday.  I’m psyched for Wednesday