Zoom Info for Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

I hope this finds you well. Here’s some info that you might want to help you with joining Marcia’s zoom meeting tomorrow.

The link for the meeting is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5578462753?pwd=Q0ZndTFGc0NRNzNVZi9WcW9pNkNvUT09
If prompted, the meeting ID is 557 846 2753, and the password is BCASZoom

Before you join the meeting, make sure you have downloaded zoom on the device you’re using. You can do this on a tablet or chromebook by going to the app store/google play store, and on a laptop or desktop by going to zoom.us and downloading it. To aid in your accessing and engaging with the meeting, there is still the How to access a Zoom Meeting. 

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me at tnaber1@gmail.com.


Tom Naber