The Morning After

As the old song goes, “there’s got to be a morning after”, but how wonderful it would have been if we could have basked in the glow a little longer.  Kudos to everyone on a job well done.  Bishop Mike and Father Sean-Paul thoroughly enjoyed it.  Father Sean-Paul said we are welcomed there anytime we want.  Also, Tim Socha, Cathedral Music Director, told me yesterday that he regularly attends up to 15 Christmas Concerts each year and he thinks we are truly the best by far.  From the performance to the varied selection of pieces, he had nothing but praise.  He was very disappointed to miss yesterday’s concert because he was accompanying the “Amherst Red Blazers”.

Please, everyone relax and enjoy the upcoming Christmas Season.  Spend some extra time pampering yourselves.  You deserve it.

(Gail, we all missed you so much.  Tons of love and well wishes are sent your way.  Heal up over the coming weeks.)


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
