Special Zoom Meeting Tomorrow, Friday 6/14 – Please Read

Good Evening, 

A member has raised a concern that the choir was not allowed the proper amount of time or ability to read all of the candidate profiles before voting, due to them being sent out late and not all profiles being readable. Therefore, they feel the members of the choir were unable to make an informed decision. After examining all possible options and consulting the bylaws, it has been determined that a revote is the most equitable solution for all stakeholders.

We understand that calling a meeting in person is not feasible, so there will be a Zoom meeting at 7 pm tomorrow (information below). I will keep the meeting open for 15 minutes. If the quorum of 71 members is not reached by 7:15 pm, then the meeting will adjourn and the results of the annual meeting will stand. If the quorum is reached, I will release a digital ballot, which will allow for a confidential vote to those in attendance and the results will be determined. This should take no more than 15 minutes total. 

For your reference, here is the file with the candidate profiles, listed alphabetically: BCAS Board Candidate Position Forms  

Here is the information on our Zoom. This information is also on the files you may need page of the website

     Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2068195928?pwd=S2cwWG9DT1FEVk0xNHNTMXV6WGExdz09
     Meeting ID: 206 819 5928
     Password: BCASZoom!

I understand this is a last-minute request. I would like to get this settled promptly so that our board can get to their important work over the summer, so your attendance on Zoom for this meeting, which will be kept to no more than 15 minutes, is gratefully appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at tnaber1@gmail.com


Tom Naber