Riviera and Year-End Business

Hi Everyone:

First – just a quick reminder about your 10 patron letters that we handed out the other night.  Please be certain to fill out 10 letters to family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc., write a personal note, seal the envelopes, and return them this Wednesday in the large yellow envelope.  Nancy’s crew will stamp them and off they’ll go to the post office for delivery.  It’s a quick way to enhance ticket sales and donations.  Also, we recycle the big envelopes.

Second – it’s hard to believe, but the Riviera Concert is just 7 weeks from today.  The Wednesday following is our Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday, June 5th.  All members are expected to attend, and we need a 2/3s quorum in order to conduct business.

One of the items being voted on is a revision of our By-Laws.  There are no major changes, just some minor clarifications in terminology.  Shandra has posted the document on the website under “Files You May Need” : BCAS By-Laws – Proposed Revisions.  The proposed changes are in blue font.  Over the next few weeks, please take a moment to look at the changes so you’re familiar with it when we vote.

Also at the Annual Meeting is our annual election for our Board of Directors.  The election committee is being formed now and will be soliciting members to run for the various positions.  Please keep an open mind and consider running.  There are 5 At-Large positions (one year terms) open as well as President and Secretary (two year terms – prior service on the Board is required to run for one of these).  As a full volunteer chorus, we are all aware of the effort and dedication made by so many in accomplishing the task at hand.  Please consider running for one of the positions.  You may also nominate someone to run for a position.  Perhaps you know someone who would be an excellent candidate or, maybe is too shy or modest to put their own name forth.

See you all Wednesday!

Kevin Phalen