Rehearsal Setup, Annual Picnic, and Rehearsal Plan for 9/13

Hello Everyone,

It was great to see you all at our first rehearsal this past Wednesday. While we are trying to streamline communication, we have a few extra things this week and some that are time-sensitive, so we’re adding one more email today. The newsletter should be coming out in the next couple of days with the rest of the information.

First, we have 145 chairs that need setting up and cards to be placed on the chairs so people know where they’re sitting. This week we will likely have to move music stands out of the way and have to navigate around percussion as well. Many of the folks who have been doing setup and take down for rehearsals have been doing it for many years and are looking to pass the torch. Setup begins at 6 p.m. or so, so if you’re able to get to rehearsal early and are willing/able to help out with setup or if you’re willing to help with take-down, please email Alec Michalski at Remember, many hands make light work!

Second, this is a reminder that our annual picnic is on Saturday 9/23 from 2 pm – 9 pm at The Manor House on the Bluffs. The rain date is 9/30. The cost is $15 and a dish to pass (side, app, or dessert). For our new members, this is a wonderful time to get to know each other. The house is on the bluffs of Lake Erie, right next door to Graycliff. Usually, there is a beautiful sunset as well! The deadline to sign up and get your money to Gail Leary is our rehearsal on 9/20, but if you can do it this week it’s even better! You can email her at if you’re interested as well. There is an 80-person max capacity so let her know as soon as you can!

Lastly, below you will find a message from David as well as his rehearsal plan for this coming week. Please read it and familiarize yourself with the selections we’ll be working on. The rehearsal tracks, as well as reference recordings for each piece, are in the “Files you May Need” section of the website. If you need help finding anything or have questions about any of this please feel free to email me at

Best regards,
Tom Naber

Rehearsal Plan September, 13 2023
Message from David:

Thank you for a wonderful rehearsal last night. It was great seeing everyone and all the new faces. I hope you enjoyed the rehearsal and the music selections. I am confident that this is going to be a fabulous ensemble.

Please prepare for next week’s rehearsal by practicing your part with the rehearsal tracks. You can practice the entire song or just what will be covered during next week’s rehearsal. The rehearsal tracks for the remaining pieces will be posted as soon as they are finished.

Have a great week, and I look forward to seeing everyone next week!
