Rehearsal + Concert setup/takedown

Hi All!


Click Here for the Google Form for those interested in helping the Operations crew transport equipment and/or set up risers and whatnot (both at the Wednesday rehearsal at St. Joseph’s Cathedral on December 1st and for the concert on December 5th at the same location). All help is extremely appreciated and I might just have something special for those who help out! (Don’t tell Marcia I provided incentive). Fill out the form at your earliest convenience and don’t forget to practice your music this week!!! The basses did sound a little flat today…… just kidding! You all sound wonderful and this will be a great concert if we all put our best foot forward and help each other out where we can! Looking forward to seeing you all next week!


My personal email is and my phone number is (716) 748-9919 for anyone who wishes to contact me.


Thanks for your time!

Alec out.