I just want to update everyone on our program ad sales for this year.I’ll have a list of advertisers and print outs of the ads tonight. If you’d like to check on a particular advertiser, see me at the break. The final tally looks like this:
- 3 of 3 available cover/inside cover full page ads
- 9 half page ads
- 14 quarter page ads
- 15 eighth page ads
- 8 personal listings
By my calculations, that brings our ad sales total to $6,725. Nice work, everyone!
Sopranos and altos: If you haven’t contributed to the sectional program ads, you have one last chance tonight. Altos need just $45 more to reach the half page ad size. Please see Eileen to contribute. Sopranos, a generous benefactor has made up a substantial difference in donations to enable us to display a half page ad this year. If you haven’t contributed and would like to, please see me at rehearsal and I’ll make sure this anonymous soprano is reimbursed.
Thanks, again, to everyone who worked so hard to sell program ads this year!