Philadelphia trip

Hi, all,

Please see Rick Darisse at the annual meeting and sign up for the trip.  If you are thinking of going or wanting to go, please let Rick know.  We won’t be able to finalize financial aid and sponsorship until we know who is planning to go and we have some more fundraising under our belt.  But we can’t contract with the tour company until we have a chorus and at least a bus and a half filled.  We know that we are a long way out but actually the months are ticking away.  We now have 23 months before our final payment is due. Rick of I can also take your non refundable deposit on Saturday at the picnic or Sunday at the concert.  That will be it until the fall.

Thanks so much!  Remember, we also need guests so start talking this up with family, friends, neighbors and certainly other singers!  We need to fill the buses to keep the price.

See you at the meeting!
