Pearl Street After Concert Celebration!

Hi, all!

Happy Sunny Tuesday!  Here are the last bits and pieces regarding Pearl Street:

  1.  The event begins at 5:00 and ends at 8:00.  If it ends past 8:00, the contract says that a fee will be added because they have a cleaning crew that needs to step up after our booking. If you end up over there prior to 5:00, I’m sure that you can find a bar and drift on up and gather.  Our room is the “Speak Easy Parlour”.
  2. Please take a minute to thank Michelle Hamels-Jeziorowksi for bringing your dessert!  She is unable to attend the party but is dropping off her treats!  If you would like to contribute to the dessert table, we are allowed to bring cake, cupcakes, donuts, pies, and candy.  But…..let me know if you are interested in bringing something so I can let Pearl Street know.
  3. Anyone who still owes money, please see Nadine tomorrow night.  After your rehearsal, NO ADDITIONAL people will be added to the bill.  If you find after tomorrow night that you would like to participate, you can eat dinner from the Pearl Street menu on the first floor and come up to the Speak Easy Parlour (our room) and socialize but the buffet cannot be open to you or your guests.
  4. I will send Nadine a copy of my spreadsheet tomorrow and if you plan to attend, please check to make sure that your name is on it….just in case the USPS failed us or we had a communication glitch.  If you completely forgot to sign up, please text me today at 716-435-0176 or see Nadine tomorrow night.
  5. Current total for the celebration is 65 members and guests.
  6. On another note, take a minute and thank a crew member tomorrow night and Sunday.  They do this hard work voluntarily for all of us.
  7. My next fun project will be announced in the weeks following the concert.  I can’t wait!   A certain “miss” has put in a request for a “hoo hah” after the final concert and it is going to be so much fun.

Any questions about Pearl Street, feel free to text me or give me a call.  Have a wonderful day!
