Hi Everyone!
It was great seeing many of you last night at our first meet-and-greet! I’m truly excited about this season’s potential, and I can’t wait to get started.
Individual preparation for rehearsal is the key to the success of our concerts. Please set aside a portion of your week to properly prepare for our weekly rehearsals.
Here is what should be prepared for our first rehearsal.
- Open this link to the Score Marking document, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wJhBgZqM97eOYzGLIL2oFfv56Qpzlpjf/view?usp=sharing , and mark all your music in pencil. This can also be found in the “Document” section on Choirgenius.
- Listen to all of the pieces from beginning to end. Links to the full performance of each piece, which can be found in the “Music” section on choirgenius.
- Open this link to the Rehearsal Plan, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZDsg8xH9tOToRdC1FYhyT2bGCJmBxB_3/view?usp=sharing , and prepare the listed sections of each piece using the rehearsal tracks, which can be found in the “Music” section on choirgenius.
- There are 3 full length solo pieces listed for this concert. Please listen to them. Auditions for these solos will be held in the near future.
Please bring your choir music, pencil, and arrive prior to our 6 PM start of rehearsal to find you name card on your chair.
I hope you enjoy preparing and performing this music!
See you next week!