Musical Mondays!

Happy Monday to all. A few notes before our dress rehearsal. Please have your music in concert order and in your black folder so you are ready for the risers. If you don’t have a black folder Sue Dosch will have them at rehearsal that you can purchase. This Wednesday’s rehearsal is at Annunciation Roman Catholic Church (7580 Clinton St, Elma). For the dress you can park in the church lot (and although it is called a dress rehearsal, you don’t need to wear your concert clothes). Please make every effort to be there ready to go at 7 so we can promptly be placed on the risers and run our concert with soloists and other logistics that need to be worked out. 

A few more reminders for Wednesday:

  • If you have tickets out on consignment, the tickets or money NEED to be into the ticket crew by Wednesday.
  • A big THANK YOU to those that sold tickets at Annunciation this weekend and/or took part in one of the flier blitzes that occurred. The South Towns are getting ready for us!
  • If you haven’t paid member dues yet, Jill will be at rehearsal on 3/14 so please touch base with her


Thank you to everyone that contributes their time, effort, and musical talents to BCAS. We could not put on such a glorious concert without each and every one of you! I look forward to seeing everyone at Annunciation on Wednesday.


Beth Anne Jasen

BCAS Secretary