Hello all!
A few notes before Wednesday’s rehearsal. I hope everyone enjoyed the week off!
Riv ticket sales are up and running! See the ticket crew at rehearsal to purchase directly. If you need consignment tickets there is a form on the website that you can fill out. You can also do this at rehearsal, however you might not receive your consignment tickets until the following week.
Facebook advertising is a GREAT way to let friends and family know about the concert. If you are on facebook, please say you are attending our concert event at the Riviera. You can also invite your own family and friends to the event! It gives multiple reminders as the event gets closer. Remember to like and share our posts when you see them, as it creates more advertising for us!
The Bandits game is quickly approaching. Please see Tom if you can help out on April 21st. If you have done the Sabres games before it is exactly the same. Anyone can sign up (including family members and friends) however they must be over 18.
Finally, per Marcia’s latest blog post, if you are interested in auditioning on any type of solo you can email her or sign up at rehearsal. Solo auditions will take place on April 25th and May 2nd.
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at Sweet Home High School on Wednesday. Have a great start to the week!
Beth Anne Jasen
BCAS Secretary