It’s Tuesday! And I promised!

Hi, all,

As promised last Tuesday, I am sending you all a little update on Marcia. She is finishing up day 8 following her surgery for her knee replacement.  Every day is a new adventure and progress toward improved mobility happens every day.  She has been having rehab come to her and she is left with a list of assignments.  She is working hard to accomplish all the tasks that are being assigned so that she can return to an active lifestyle without pain.

Cards, texts, etc. are welcome as she works her way toward day 14!  I will update you all again next Tuesday and in the meantime, pull out your music for June and if not practicing, try to give the pieces a “listen” to keep them in your head and heart.  That will make her very happy!

Again, her address is 18 Westview Drive, West Seneca, NY 14224

Stay safe, all!
