Help needed in the next 24 hours!

Hi, all!  I am looking for some specific input from you, the chorus members, of BCAS!  As you now know, I have been working diligently on our behalf, to apply for some funding for us!  Specifically to obtain some funding for some special projects that we hope for and dream about.  This year’s application is a test run!  We may receive some funding and we may have to apply again.  I am trying to maximize our chances to receive this funding on the first try.  Here is how you can help!

The Board had to identify some areas of perceived weaknesses and threats to our organization and then we need to identify some strategies to turn them into strengths.  This is a 24 hour exercise for you and for me.  In other words, I need any responses by tomorrow (April 21st) at noon 2:00pm.  At that time, I will begin to complete two essays filled with ideas.  These are required for us to submit.  This gives you, a chorus member, a chance to participate in the process, as well as help me out during this last weekend of work on this project.

Thank you so much!


Can you send to me at, your specific ideas for how we can turn the following perceived weaknesses into strengths:  (feel free to only answer the questions that you have ideas for)

  1.  How can we add more diversity to our chorus?
  2.  What steps could we take to improve our retention of members from year to year?
  3.  What ideas do you have to recruit more tenors and Soprano 1’s to improve the balance of our chorus?
  4.  What ideas do you have to bring young people to join us and remain with us?
  5.  What ideas do you have for us to have more involvement chorally in the City of Buffalo?
  6.  What kinds of collaborations would you like to see us become involved in?
  7.  Do you have any ideas of how we could find a “home” location for our rehearsals and our equipment?
  8.  Would you be able to participate on a committee to do an internal audit annually?
  9.  Do you have specific ideas for an intercultural event in the Western New York community?
  10.  Do you have ideas about how we can increase the BCAS footprint in the Buffalo area?
  11.  Do you have ideas about bringing new audience to our concerts?
  12.  Anything else that you would like to send to me about our weaknesses, our opportunities to grow, or any perceived threats?