Cellino Plumbing, Picnic, Trip and Committees

Hi, all!

A few things on my mind tonight!

  1.  I have my fingers crossed that you are voting for us on the Cellino Plumbing Facebook page or on their website.  We can vote every day and I understand that you can vote on more than one device.  This contest ends this Friday so vote, vote, vote!
  2. Please see Rick Darisse with your deposit for the Philadelphia trip.  This deposit is non refundable because we will need to send it in to the tour company to hold your seat(s).  Remember that we need singers so feel free to talk to others in your church choir or other choral group.  We also need guests so feel free to invite friends, family,neighbors, etc. Members who are signed up will be able to apply for financial aid if it is needed.  We want everyone to go along, if you are interested!
  3. Please see me with your picnic money.  I will need a $12 check made out to me or cash for anyone who is coming.  I also need your roast beef or chicken order.
  4. Wednesday, June 5th, we have our final rehearsal and our annual meeting.  Please bring a little sweet or savory treat or a beverage to share.  Paper products are always welcome, as well.  We also need awards for our biggest ticket sellers of the year!  Items like a plant, a book, a bottle of wine, chocolate, etc. are great things to donate for our biggest sellers to choose from.
  5. I will be passing around committee sign up sheets on Wednesday night for all of you who would like to hop onto a committee and help put our plans into action!
  6. Don’t forget to see Sean Adamchick and run for a position on the Board!
  7. Thanks so much!  Gail  P.S. Please vote!