Cellino, Committees, and Philadelphia

Hi, all,

  1. Cellino Plumbing Non Profit of the Month contest for the top 10 for the month of June ends tomorrow at 11:59.  Please take a minute and vote for us today and tomorrow and ask your friends and family to vote for us too.  Fingers are crossed!  If we are in the top 10, I will send out a Blog to let you know the cut off dates!  Summer would be a great time to win that Happy Hour sponsored by WYRK!
  2. Committees:  I’m sure that you all miss your BCAS friends already!  Think about hopping onto a summer committee!  We can use more help in marketing, group sales, tickets, fundraising, operations planning and new venues and last of all–program ads.  Contact me at shadowlear@aol.com if you any of these topics are in your “wheelhouse”.
  3. Philadelphia:  The first bus is almost full.  Talk to your  “singing friends” about coming along.  We are now 23 months away and only one bus left to fill.  Tenors please come along and try to find a tenor friend to join you!  Two important things to know:  #1–we will have financial aid available to help reduce the cost for those needing to apply.  #2–This is a “trip”.  This is not a performance tour.  We will be doing 2 performances (unless something so incredible pops up that we can’t say no!).  Therefore, the trip will be about enjoying each other’s company and seeing this wonderful city.  We will try to schedule activities for those who are rip roaring ready to walk and for those who will need transportation to get around town.  If you are ready to get onto the list, please contact Rick Darisse over the summer.
  4. Have a safe and healthy and fun-filled summer!    Let’s win this Cellino contest! Gail DellCellinCeeeeee