Announcements for Wednesday February 15th

Good morning all!

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day doing something you love. Today we meet at Sweet Home High School to share some beautiful music with each other. Please take note of the following announcements:

  • Crew call: Sign up via the google form or talk to Alec at rehearsal to sign up for crew. As mentioned last week this is a very important job and we need volunteers. If you have already signed up, on behalf of the entire chorus, THANK YOU! We know it is a hard job and appreciate every single volunteer that takes the time to help up set up and take down.
  • Sabres 50/50: we need about 2 more volunteers for the Sabres game on March 4th. Reminder call is 10:30 for an afternoon game. We will probably be done around 2/2:30. Sign up using the google form!
  • Sarah Fiegel is looking for a handful of soprano and alto volunteers at rehearsal to make a quick video for social media. She will explain the details, but nothing too scary or involved. If interested talk to her when you arrive at rehearsal.
  • PARTY AT PEARL STREET! We have 22 people joining us so far for dinner at Pearl Street. This is going to be a fabulous reception to celebrate our March concert (and not having to cook on a Sunday? Sounds like a win to me!) Remember to call or email Gail to sign up. She needs to know the final count by March 1st, which is two weeks from today! $27 for chorus members, $30 for friends and family.

TICKET SALES!!! We say it every year around concert time, but this one is truly going to be special. The student ticket rate is an INCREDIBLE deal. Thank you for sharing our posts and events on facebook, keep talking up our event! We know how great this concert will be so make sure your friends and family don’t miss it.

See everyone tonight at rehearsal or on Zoom. Thank you for reading our blogs so you are informed of all that is happening with BCAS!

Best regards,

Beth Jasen, BCAS Secretary