Announcements for May 17th

Good morning all! Please take note of the following announcements for rehearsal tonight.

  • Ticket sales are doing well and we are anticipating selling out. Please let your family and friends know that they need to purchase their tickets ASAP. Thank you to everyone who has sold tickets! Less than a month left so keep up the great work!
  • Solos continue tonight after rehearsal. We had a great turnout last week so if you are thinking of auditioning make sure you join us tonight. There will be index cards at the tables, fill one out before rehearsal with the solo you plan to sing.
  • Alec will be emailing a sign up for crew call in the next week or so. If you are able to help please do so. These concerts aren’t possible without our fabulous crew! Thank you to all who volunteer.
  • Gail sent out a blog yesterday regarding picnic info. Feel free to talk to Nadine before rehearsal if you have any questions!
  • Elections are being held at the end of June! The board positions of President and Secretary will be voted on as well as our members at large. Talk to Tina or anyone on the board if you are interested in running.

That’s all folks! See you tonight for a great rehearsal.

Best regards,

Beth Jasen, BCAS Secretary