Announcements for February 8th

Good afternoon all and happy Tuesday! Please take note of the following announcements for rehearsal.

  • Crew call: SUPER IMPORTANT. We need volunteers to help set up and take down the risers for our march concert. To put it frankly, if we don’t have the volunteers to do this job we won’t have a concert. We will not put up the risers unsafely. Please, if you are able to help sign up on the google doc below or speak to Alec at rehearsal. We need 12 volunteers and many hands make light work. Here is the document to sign up:
  • After party at Pearl Street! Gail sent out a blog regarding our party at pearl street. Remember it is $27 for chorus members, $30 for our friends and family. Call, text, or email her asap to get your name on the list. Sooner rather than later is ideal here. It will be a fabulous evening with great food and we’d love for so many of you to join us!
  • Sabres 50/50 raffle. The sabres game on March 4th is quickly approaching and we still need volunteers for the Saturday afternoon game. See Tom to sign up. This fundraiser is HUGE for us, we earned over 3000 dollars when we worked in November.
  • Sell tickets!!! Our concert is less than a month away. You all know how wonderful this concert will be. Make sure your people are there to hear it!


That’s all folks! Remember rehearsal will be on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Keep sending your absences to Thank you and see everyone tomorrow!

Best regards,

Beth Jasen, BCAS Secretary