A few tidbits for Wednesday, September 21st!

HI, all,

I have a little bit of administrivia for tomorrow night!

  1. Please make sure that you check in for attendance.
  2. Please take a minute to fill out and wear a name tag.  We are trying to help new members feel comfortable and just your first name is a help if they have a question to ask.  New members, feel free to ask anyone anything! Singers, ask a Board member or me if you have any questions or if you have something on your mind.  We are trying to organize announcements into a concise time period to save time. But feel free to ask questions of anyone that you would like before or after rehearsal.  If you have a special announcement, please send it to Beth Anne and she can add it to the ANNOUNCEMENT BLOG that will be sent on Tuesdays.
  3. Marcia will be setting the “Future absences” sheets in front of the attendance so that you can add any absences that you already know about to the list.  This is a huge help!
  4. Tomorrow night, I will have several copies of our current roster on the tables with pens.  Please take a minute and check your information.  If it is correct, please put a check mark next to your name so I know that you have “ok’d” it.  If there is a change, please take a minute to make any necessary changes and I will make sure that is done this coming week.  If your name is missing, just add your info to the bottom of the sheet.  I made the changes that I was made aware of last May and June but this is a moving target sometimes.  Thanks so much!
  5. In the past, when we have performed at St. Francis in Tonawanda, the church, has provided a wonderful reception following the concert.  It is time for us to enjoy a “get together and a catch up with each other” event.  So, in partnership with the church, we have arranged to have an after concert reception on October 23rd and I am asking some of you to prepare something either sweet or savory to share.  You would drop it off prior to your warmup rehearsal with Marcia that afternoon and voila—-Food and time together will magically happen when you finish the concert.  The first week of October I will have sheets for you to sign up and let me know what you would like to bring to share. One sheet will be for savory items and one will be for sweets.   I will then have an idea of how much of each food and if we have too many of any one thing.  Men, I may ask you to bring paper products and water bottles but stay tuned.
  6. Also, the Board provided the cookies and the cake for the opening rehearsal.  I provided the cookies last week.  If you are interested in being the “snack angel of the week”, let me know and we will work it out!  It is special to be able to grab a little something before you start your “work”.
  7. Thanks all!  See you tomorrow!      Gail