Announcements for November 2nd Rehearsal

Happy November! I feel like the weeks are just flying by, and soon we will be wishing each other a happy Thanksgiving. Please take note of the following announcements for rehearsal tomorrow:

  • 50/50 raffle tickets and water bottles will continue to be sold before rehearsal
  • Rick is collecting dues from anyone that hasn’t paid yet.
  • Tom will have Christmas tickets available starting at rehearsal tomorrow! Remind your friends and family that they can also be purchased on the website at any time.
  • We are still looking for 3-5 more volunteers to help out with the Sabres 50/50 raffle. The game is next Saturday, November 12th. We need to be there by 5:00, and anyone can participate as long as they are over 18.
  • Do you like football? Do you like supporting the chorus AND having a chance to win money? The Bills play on Thanksgiving Day so why not make the game a little more interesting by purchasing squares for the game. Each square is $10 and will be on sale starting tomorrow at rehearsal.


Thank you for taking the time to read our blog posts, it helps keep you informed and allows us to really focus on the music at rehearsals!